Efficient and affordable cybersecurity can be built and delivered to small businesses using a three step analysis in combination with technology. Spending capital and expense on the latest and greatest gizmos and devices does not guarantee security.

At Modern Managed IT, we will provide a free consultation to evaluate your risks across three areas: (1) People, (2) Process, and (3) Technology.


The first area of risk or the first line of defense is the people in a business. Adding background checks and a cybersecurity awareness assessment to an onboarding process can substantially improve an organization’s risk posture with limited additional costs.


This step involves evaluating how different tasks are performed and what controls are in place to reduce the chances of accidental errors, intentional fraud, or malicious attack.


After you have evaluated your people and process risks it is time to look at your technology, both for existing risks introduced by lack of updates or improper configuration. Technology comes last as many firms have the systems with the capabilities in place to protect their business except they were not configured with an informed view of the people and processes in the organization.

The proactive costs to secure your business today is lower than ever while the cost of data breaches continue at record levels (easily over $250,000 for a medical practice with 2,500 patients — this is a conservative average estimate based on a $146 per record cost from a 2019 study by IBM).

With Modern Managed IT for $12 per month per employee you can add all of the core cybersecurity capabilities to your business including offsite data backup, email archiving (with eDiscovery), a password manager, and security awareness training. If you combine the technology with our Pro or Pro Plus managed service we’ll even configure and maintain it all.